(4 Ratings)

Online 20hours immersion course

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About Course

This online course will be live on Saturday and Sunday from 16 November – 14 December at 1.30-3.45PM Indian Standard Time. Videos will be recorded and saved for you to watch for up to a year.

This online course will immerse students in the fundamentals of Yoga Master Sharat’s unique evolution of Iyengar Yoga. It will comprise the main elements of the iconic 9-day immersion as taught at the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centres in India. This practice promotes overall well-being on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and encourages deep self-study or ‘Svadyaya’, a core component of yoga practice as outlined by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

It is suitable for new and old students alike, and for all levels of practice/experience. Instructions will be given for common ailments such as knee or back issues but students should write to us with any other therapeutic needs to see if the course is suitable and how to adjust the practice accordingly.

Along with the inversions Masterclasses, this course will be an online prerequisite for student wishing to attend the Intensive courses or Teachers Training, online or in-person.

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What Will You Learn?

  • A thorough understanding of yoga as taught by Master Sharat including; Standing poses, Twists, Forward bends, Back bends, Relaxations
  • Opportunity to ask questions and get corrections
  • Practical application of yoga philosophy as it applies to asana practice
  • How to identify common mistakes in your practice and how to correct them
  • How to sit straight effortlessly for longer periods of time for meditation
  • Information about sequencing and structuring your own practice for your particular needs

Course Content

Day 1

  • Download the day 1 pdf and join the live class on zoom

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 4 Ratings
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Laura Wall
3 weeks ago
This is was an indelible experience for me, I learnt so very much in this 20hr course with Sharat. I will keep practicing until I join him in person for his 160hr course in Dharamsala in March. Thank you, Laura
1 month ago
As an old student, the online course was the perfect way for me to re-connect and practice with my teacher. It enabled me to seek help and get corrected where I was stuck in my practice. The number of students being limited, Sharat was able to focus on every student and answer and clarify everyone's doubts. The sound and the video quality were good too. I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity.
1 month ago
Sharat has truly changed my life, and I am endlessly grateful for everything I have learned from him. He transformed my perspective on yoga, showing me that it is so much more than I ever imagined. His unique focus on working with the feet has not only impacted my practice in class but also shown me a path to gently repair a bunion I’ve had since birth.

I am a work in progress, but his teachings have given me the tools to address deep-seated issues I’ve struggled with for years, and for that, I cannot thank him enough. This practice has become a cornerstone of my life, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking true transformation.
1 month ago
9 days online course with Sharath sir was magical .. I feel very very fortunate to have found Sharath sir as my yoga guru. His profound wisdom on yoga both physical and spiritual is evident in every session.His teachings have transformed my life .. I am so very grateful to him .. I wholeheartedly recommend attending his sessions to experience physical ,mental ,emotional and spritual transformation .
