Full course fee and deposit amounts are available upon consultation by emailing info@hiyogacentre.com. The course requires a deposit to secure the booking, which is NON-REFUNDABLE but can be transferred to any other Yoga Course at the HIYC and used within one year from the date of the ending day of the originally booked course. Full payment for the Course is to be submitted upon arrival at the Centre/Ashram and before the course begins.
Refunds: The rest of the course fee is refundable if the participant:
Becomes seriously ill (medical certificate of hospitalization required).
Is excluded from participation in the Course due to non-adherence to the Requirements for Participation, Code of Conduct, or Terms and Conditions of Payment.
If cash has been paid, no administrative charge is applied. If a card or bank transaction has been made, an administrative fee of 15% will be deducted, which includes tax (18%). We refund card or cash payments, but a 15% charge will apply. If a participant leaves during the course for the above reasons, the refunded amount will only include the cost of the days not participated in. If the applicant resigns for any other reason, no refund is possible. Students should pay for their course only if they are certain of their ability to comply with the course Requirements for Participation, Code of Conduct, and Terms and Conditions of Payment.
The deposit for the course is non-refundable but can be transferred to another HIYC Yoga course within one year from the original course’s end date. The full course fee is refundable if the participant becomes seriously ill (with a medical certificate) or is excluded due to non-compliance with the course requirements. If cash has been paid, no administrative charge is applied. For card or bank transactions, an administrative fee of 15% will be deducted, which includes tax (18%). Refunds are based on the number of days participated if leaving early for the valid reasons mentioned. No refunds are provided for resignation due to other reasons.
Code of Conduct
- Dedication: Participants must be fully committed, attending all classes and sessions, even if unwell. Complete trust in the teacher and method is essential.
Punctuality: Students must be on time for all sessions. - Silence: For the Silent Retreat, participants must observe complete silence, including non-verbal communication. Exceptions are allowed only in emergencies with the teacher’s consent.
- Presence: Participants should not leave the ashram during the course without the teacher’s consent and should tolerate external disturbances.
- Moderation: Avoid excesses like late nights and overeating. Participants should follow the ashram’s diet and rest schedule.
- Spiritual Practice: Personal spiritual practices should be suspended during the course. Focus solely on the practice taught.
- Karma Yoga: Participants are required to perform tasks contributing to the ashram’s work, which may take up to thirty minutes per day.
- Accommodation and Physical Contact: Couples may share accommodation but should avoid interrupting each other’s processes. Physical contact between participants or others is not permitted.
Substances: No drugs, including alcohol, cigarettes, and stimulants, are allowed. Participants should drop these habits well before the course to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
We reserve the right to:
- Undertake short-term changes in the program and structure of the course.
- Make exceptions to the above procedures in individual cases.
- Change the price of courses according to circumstances beyond our control.
- Exclude participants from the course who do not adhere to the conditions and who may cause disturbance.